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Zoo School

Zoo School

Asheboro High Zoo School

A Model for 21st Century Education

At the Asheboro High Zoo School (AHS Zoo School) students encounter a unique learning experience that few other students will have the opportunity to enjoy. Students in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades who are selected in the application process get to use all that the Zoo has to offer. Teachers work with Zoo staff to plan and incorporate their lessons with the Zoo. For example, students may observe an animal on habitat rather than read about it in text, or they may work one-on-one with a zookeeper or other Zoo employee for a first-hand account.

Based on a model from Lincoln, Nebraska, the AHS Zoo School can house up to 125 students. Students attend one to two classes at the Asheboro High School main campus then travel to a classroom and lab facility at the Zoo for the remainder of their classes in science, mathematics, social studies and agriscience. Students can ride a school bus or drive themselves to the Zoo School. Students are actively involved in their learning through problem-solving methods, group-based projects, technology-based projects, and the use of the more than 2,600-acre, world-class North Carolina Zoo as their classroom.

Brooke Davis at 336.879.5474 or email
