Teachers and Parents: We are taking our Untamed Science videos to new heights by adding an activity to go with each one. Watch the video with you class or children and then complete the activity to learn more.

Providing Homes for Hellbenders
Do you know what a hellbender, snot otter, or Allegheny alligator is? Watch this episode from Untamed Science to find out and learn how the North Carolina Zoo's herp team is helping them.
After watching the video learn how you can help amphibians in your own neighborhood with this activity.
Activity Objective: Students will recognize the importance of shelter for amphibians by creating shelters for the amphibians in their yard.
Managing Waste through Composting
Did you know the Zoo composts over 2,000 tons of waste each year? Watch this episode from Untamed Science to learn how we do it and why.
After watching the video make your own compost bin for your home or apartment.
Activity Objective: Students will be able to describe how composting works and will create their own composting bin.
Reproduction in Polar Bears
What does polar bear poop tell you about their reproduction? Watch this episode from Untamed Science to learn the scoop on poop as it relates to polar bear reproduction and why it is so difficult for polar bears to reproduce.
Become a polar bear match maker in this activity and learn more about the SSP (Species Survival Plan).
Activity Objective: Students will use the Species Survival Plan, which is based on genetics and personality, to match polar bears for the purpose of reproduction.
Saving African Vultures
What is a "vulture backpack" and what is it used for? Watch this episode from Untamed Science to learn how the Zoo's conservation staff is using technology to help save African vultures.
Track Swoops, one of the vultures in North Carolina Zoo's vulture research project, on her journey throughout Africa and learn more about the places she visited.
Activity Objective: Students will use critical thinking skills as they explore the journey of a white-backed vulture.
Pollination Station Nation
Butterflies and other pollinators play an important role in our lives. They are one of the main reasons we have many of the fruit and vegetables we love to eat, but like many animals they are losing the habitats they need to survive. Learn how pollination stations can help these insects survive in our changing world.
Make your own butterfly garden for school or your neighborhood.
Activity Objectives: Students will learn how plants survive by caring for the plants in their garden and learn the importance of pollinators through observation after planting their garden.
Life of a Zoo Vet
A day in the life of a zoo vet is never the same, from working with the largest mammal in the world to small reptiles!
Test your skills as a zoo veterinarian by examining the x-rays in this activity. Answers for this activity.
Activity Objective: Students will be able to identify abnormalities in radiographs and understand the importance of radiographs.
Helping the American Red Wolf
Want to know more about red wolves? Here is a video about one of the most endangered canine species!
Learn more about animals and their habitats in this activity.
Activity Objective: Students will analyze how animals adapt for specific habitats and how loss of that habitat effects them.
What's on the menu?
How many times have you thought to yourself, “What am I going to have for dinner”? The North Carolina Zoo has to think about that hundreds of times every day! See how Zoo staff provide well-rounded meals for all animals under our care.
Learn more about how an animal's teeth are adapted for what they eat in this activity.
Activity Objective: Students will be able to identify what type of teeth their favorite animal should have based on what they eat.
Enriching the Lives of Animals
Learn more about the North Carolina Zoo uses enrichment to improve the health of the animals at the Zoo.
What type of challenge can you create for your pet or a friend or family member? Give it a try in this activity.
Activity Objective: Use your critical thinking skills to construct a mentally stimulating activity for a pet, friend, or family member.
Giving Gopher Frogs a Headstart
How does fire help gopher frogs survive? Watch to help answer this and many other questions and discover how the North Carolina Zoo is fighting to save this endangered species in our own state.
After watching the video learn how you can help amphibians in your own neighborhood with this activity.
Activity Objective: Students will recognize the importance of shelter for amphibians by creating shelters for the amphibians in their yard.
Getting SMART in Our Fight Against Poaching
The North Carolina Zoo helped create a software app called SMART (Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool). Watch to learn how it is taking on the battle against poaching.
Become a Park Ranger and track wildlife and poachers in this simulation.
Activity Objective: Students will understand how tracking and recording signs (visual clues) of animals and poaching is used to help stop illegal activities.
How To Get Animals to Participate in Their Own Healthcare
Ever wonder how zookeepers work with a bear to get it to cooperate in its own care? Explore the relationships between zookeepers and the animals they care for and how this helps the animals choose to participate in their care.
Become a Zookeeper and try your hand at training in this activity.
Activity Objective: Students will use their critical thinking skills to create a training plan and gain an understanding of Operant Conditioning.