    Wildlife Facts
    Common Name:
    Medinilla or Rose Grape
    Scientific Name:
    Medinilla kinabola
    Southeast Asia
    Bloom Season:
    • Fall
    • Pink
    • Birds
    Fun Facts:
    • Medinilla are semi-epiphytic plants meaning they do not require soil to live and are often found growing in trees. Some Medinilla is even found growing near streams in rocks. The berries and flower are attractive to birds and is often the subject of many paintings.
    • Medinilla kinabola is usually found growing on trees in tropical forests. Grows to a height of 4 feet with a spread of 4-6 feet in the Aviary.
    • Medinilla does not absorb moisture and nutrients from the air. Instead, it collects moisture on its large, succulent green leaves.
    Plant Type:
    • Annual
    • Epiphytic
    Endangered Status
    Endangered Status
    • Extinct in Wild (EW)
    • Critically Endangered (CR)
    • Endangered (EN)
    • Vulnerable (VU)
    • Near Threatened (NT)
    • Least Concern (LC)
    • Not Evaluated (NE)
    Hardiness Zones

    The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, divided into 10-degree F zones.

    USDA Hardiness Zones

    10a (30 °F to 35 °F)

    10b (35 °F to 40 °F)

    11a (40 °F to 45 °F)

    11b (45 °F to 50 °F)